“May the words of my mouth and the meditation of my heart be pleasing in your sight O Lord.”

Freedom Call
Friday October 26, 2007

“May the words of my mouth and the meditation of my heart be pleasing in your sight O Lord.” Ps19:14

Meditate: To engage in thought or contemplation; to reflect;
Spiritual introspection; to consider as something to be done; to purpose.
Ponder: To consider something deeply and thoroughly; to weigh carefully;
To consider thoughtfully.
Study: Devote oneself to; get a grasp of something; research; examine; investigate carefully; observe attentively; endeavor to learn or memorize.
Think: to consider something a positive action or thought or choice
Meditation: Continued extended thought
Reflection: Careful consideration; reproduction; a fixing of thoughts on something.
Deliberate : consider the reasons for and against a measure; to think about or discuss issues and decisions carefully to make wise moral conclusions
Contemplate: to view or consider with continued attention; meditate on
To see again -or for the first time clearly; to see more; to take in and think about; to stay awhile on a subject; to focus in on. To allow your mind to be moved upon, influenced or formed by whatever you are putting into it.

God’s Word was never meant to be light reading. It is the most meaningful and most powerful book ever written. It contains the revelations of life and death. God wants us to take His word to heart. He wants us it to get into us, to help us, to form us, to change us and to empower us. He wants us to hide it in our hearts so there will be no room for sin in us. Our thoughts and attitudes can change but the matters of our heart direct our lives. Life and death begin in our hearts. That’s where we sift and sort things according to God’s Word. The heart is where we purpose a thing. That’s why God asks us to put His word there. With His word in our hearts we will make holy plans and hold to what is right, pure, noble and praiseworthy. When we speak, we should speak from our hearts not our heads, and then the words of our mouth will be powerful and effective.
Tonight, we pray that our church will become devoted to the Word of God, that we will meditate upon it day and night and that we will be transformed by it. We pray that all will heed God’s Word and return to moral, righteous, virtuous living. We are not just to see words on the pages of our Bibles; we are to become the Living Epistles for all men to read.
“You yourselves are our letter, written on our hearts, known and read by everybody. You know that you are a letter from Christ, the result of our ministry written not with ink but with the Spirit of the living God not on tablets of stone but on tablets of human hearts.” 2Cor 3:2
Paul was preaching the Word and it was being meditated upon. It was getting down into their hearts. They were thinking about what he said. We pray we will be attentive to the Word of God that the Holy Spirit brings us through our Pastor. Let’s begin to take this word of life from the pulpit seriously not for granted, casually or haphazardly, but diligently. Let us be attentive to it and meditate upon it. Everywhere we go let us be God’s Word in action – His “Love Power, His “Heartbeat,” and a “Hotline to God” that can get others connected to Christ by the presence of the Word and the Spirit dwelling in us. When we walk into a place there is a spiritual declaration flashing from us like an email symbol saying-“Hey people, you got mail!” Selah.
“Blessed is the one who reads the words of this prophecy and blessed are those who hear it and take to heart what is written in it, because the time is near.” Rev1:3 (near meaning imminent, it will come to pass in God’s time because He has ordained it.)
Meditate – Biblical examples : Joshua 1:8; Psalm 1:1-3; Ps 48:9; Ps. 77:12; Ps. 119:9-36, 41-50, 78-80, 89-96, 97-106, 145-148; Ps 104:33-34; Ps 143:5, Ps 145 all, 1Peter 1:23, Heb 4:12.