Adoption Ministry Thanksgiving Fellowship – Sat., Nov. 11th at 4:00PM!


" Thank God, who did it all! His love

 never quits!€?

Psalm 136:26 (The Message Bible)

AWAA Thanksgiving Fellowship

Saturday, November 11, 2006 4 to 6 PM     


The Home of Brandon & Sarah Battle     

(Children Welcome!)

Food €“ Fellowship €“ Prayer

" A time to thank God for His faithfulness to us past, present and future!€?     

Discussion Topic: Adoption Journey Milestones

Those who have already adopted feel free to bring something with you from your adoption journey(s) to share with all of us such as: a scrapbook or photo album, an Adoption Day video, a quilt, etc€¦     

Those who are in the paperchasing or waiting stage feel free to share with us about a milestone of God's faithfulness during your adoption journey.

RSVP by calling 281-798-6014 or e-mail us at