Come to the Healing Meeting Tonight at The Lord’s Glory Church!

All our meetings are healing meetings, but I believe tonight will be a special one!  The title of my message will be Take Up Your Bed And Walk.  Please pray that there will be an outpouring of His healing power for all the sick and especially for those who have been sick with the same condition for a long time.  The Holy Spirit gave me some fresh rhema in this area this morning, and I can hardly wait to share it with you! 

Come expecting a touch from the Lord!  Invite others.

Because He Lives!

Pastor Tom

Tues. 10/23/07 – Tonight’s Message at 7:00PM – “The California Fires-Are they the Judgment of God?”

The California fires — Are they judgment of God?  Tonight, we will examine these fires from a biblical perspective.  Come prepared to pray for your nation and for those affected by these fires.

See you Tonight!

Pastor Tom

Message this Sunday 10/21/07 at TLGC – “Power from On High”

My message this Sunday, October 21st, is Power From On High.  Jesus wants every believer to be clothed with the power of the Holy Spirit. He told His disciples not to leave Jerusalem to carry out the Great Commission until they had been endued with power from on high. 

What if someone told you that the gasoline for your car has already been paid for.  For the rest of your life, you can pull into the filling station and fill up free of charge.  That would be good news!  We have even better news!  The sufferings and death of Jesus on the Cross paid for our spirits to be filled with the spiritual fuel of the Holy Spirit.

Do you feel tired?  Are your peace and joy levels weak?  Come get the tank of your spirit refilled with Holy Ghost power!  Maybe you feel great; come top off your tank.  It’s free!

See you tomorrow morning at your filling station, The Lord’s Glory Church!

Because He Lives!

Pastor Tom

SPECIAL GUEST SPEAKERS Tomorrow night, Tuesday, Oct. 16th, at 7:00PM at The Lord’s Glory Church!


Tuesday, October 16th, at 7:00PM at The Lord’s Glory Church!


Randy & Mary Harrison of Encima Del Monte Ministries

Come hear Missionaries to Mexico, Randy & Mary Harrison of Encima del Monte Ministries, as Randy shares his personal testimony and they both also bring us more details on the great things God is doing through their ministry in Mexico.

Randy’s personal testimony is one of great deliverance, awesome Divine protection, and supernatural healing! You will not want to miss this one! You will leave greatly encouraged and built up in your faith! Bring your whole family and bring someone who needs to know Jesus!