Carlos Miranda ministering again this Tuesday night @ 7:00PM!

Pastor Carlos Miranda from Argentina!

Pastor Carlos Miranda will be ministering at TLGC again this Tuesday Night, Nov. 14th,  in our main service at 7:00PM! Pastor Carlos Miranda is pastor of El Rio Ministries Church in Buenos Aires, ARGENTINA. Yesterday’s service with Pastor Miranda was awesome! Don’t miss this powerful opportunity! You will be blessed!

Video of India and Nepal Trip!

Click below to see a brief music video chronicling Pastor Tom & Schar Battle’s recent trip to India and Nepal! It is in Windows Media format. Enjoy!


Carlos Miranda from Argentina ministering at TLGC!


Pastor Carlos Miranda from Argentina!

Pastor Carlos Miranda will be ministering this Sunday morning, Nov. 12th,  in our main service at 10:30AM! Pastor Carlos Miranda is pastor of El Rio Ministries Church in Buenos Aires, ARGENTINA. Don’t miss this powerful service! You will be blessed!

Freedom Call Weekly Prayer Meeting Friday @ 7:00PM!

All ages are invited to come to Freedom Call’s Weekly Intercessory Prayer Meeting this Friday night at 7:00PM in the Prayer & Consolidation Room in the Main Building of the church. Parents of teenagers are invited to attend while their young person goes next door to the Bronkema Bldg for the Exstream Youth Gathering also at 7:00PM! E-mail Norm and Judy Ditrich for more info!