Seek God for the City – 2008

We’re excited about being able to offer CHURCH WIDE participation in the call to a forty day period of Prayer and Fasting starting Feb 6th through Palm Sunday. This time will be used as a means to allow God to touch us so we can be changed vessels of His Kingdom and for His will to go forth not only in our lives and community but then to spread throughout our society which is in such desperate need of Him.
The booklets for “Seek God for the City-2008” are available in the back of Church for those who want to become a part of what God is doing in these end times – come join us as we Pray for His Kingdom to Come – His Will to be done on Earth as it is in Heaven – You’ll be so glad you did!!
We have attached a focus that was started during the Freedom CAll Intercessory Prayer night, Friday, 2/01/08 which shows us how Prayer STRENGTHENS us and opens us up to God’s abilities to accomplish His purposes. We pray that as you read it you will be encouraged and it will give you a ‘head start’ on the 40 days we are about to enter this week.
Love in Christ,
Norm & Judy

Freedom Call
Friday – Feb.1, 2008
Lord, Strengthen Us to Pray
“Blessed are they whose strength is in you, O Lord.” Psalm 84:5

There are those times when we find ourselves out of place, suppressed or just plain too tired to pray. Especially when we are on assignment to pray or do a work for the Lord a heaviness can set in to stop what we know we should be doing. Jonah prayed from inside a whale, Daniel in a lion’s den and they overcame tremendous obstacles. God wants us to overcome, to press in and to succeed. With our God we can do all things that we ever hoped or imagined. Yet, we are not ignorant. We know we need His help and tonight we are asking for it — Lord, strengthen us to pray.
To strengthen means – to change to an articulation requiring more effort
to reinforce
to fortify
to give power to
to give power to someone by reason of your
influence and authority
to give someone resisting force to strain or wear
to offer someone power, encouragement or
“The Bible was her strength and joy.”
to give power to rise or to remain firm
to give the capacity to manifest energy, to
endure and to resist
to endow with might which is power and strength
in a great or overwhelming degree.
Before strength can be put in obstacles and hindrances must be taken out of us. Do you have anything in your life that God needs to remove? Disappointments, bitterness, anger, grudge, judgments, bias, unforgiveness, any sin, callousness, insensitiveness, complaining, gossiping, weariness with life and circumstances…….
We need to pray because: our prayers express our faith in God. (however weak or small it may be) our prayers make a difference in us (changed, transformed)
our prayers are weapons of spiritual warfare
our prayers reflect our relationship with God which is often disrupted or
strained by our own ignorance, inattention and insensitivity
our prayers are an expression of confidence in God.
Without prayer we can lose our closeness with and confidence in God and replace it with disappointment, isolation and feelings of uselessness.
Prayers are Power Points. They are fresh oil to heal and strengthen and a glass like anointing to protect. Prayer turns limping men into soaring eagles. It refreshes, renews, and strengthens. It helps us focus. It directs as a guiding light. It bathes and cleanses the soul. Praying God’s Word is like firing a machine gun against the enemy of our soul. It gives us victory where he wanted to cause our defeat.
Some things that will give us strength in praying: Know God, Call on His name, know who you are in Him, hide His Word in your heart, gather with others who pray, pray in the Spirit, be open to His Spirit, love God, serve Him, establish specific times and places for personal prayer and devotion …….Here are some Scriptures for strengthening—
Ex 15:2; 2 Sam 22:33; 1 Ch 16:11; 1 Ch 29:12; Ps 18:1, 29:11, 59:17, 84:5, 118:14, 28:7, 46:1, 73:26, 105:4, 119:28; Is 35, 40, 41; Hab 3:19; 1Co 1:25; Acts 4:31

The Christmas Treasures – Freedom Call – Friday 12/28/07

Freedom Call
Friday December 28, 2007
The Christmas Treasures

“I will give you the treasures of darkness, riches stored in secret places. So that you may know that I am the Lord the God of Israel who summons you by name.” Is 45:3

God does not have to, but God likes to prove His existence to mankind by fulfilling His Word.
He is able to bring treasures out of places we may not even know existed.

In Mt 2:11 we read “The Magi opened their treasures and presented Jesus with gifts of gold, incense and myrrh.” Do you think an ordinary carpenter and his wife expected such gifts? Their gifts were probably the work of their hands and their fields. Gold must have been an unexpected surprise and treasure. I think God loves to bless His people. I think He likes to meet our needs but I also believe He likes to give us treasures – exceedingly above and beyond what we could think or imagine.

Christmas is a celebration of the treasures God bestows upon us. It is more than about gifts, it is about treasures. Treasures implies so much that we have to have extra storage to put all the stuff in! Treasures last. They grow and increase in size and value.

When God sent Jesus into the world, He sent us an eternal abundant treasure from heaven. When we accept Jesus as our Lord and Savior we are accepting a treasure from heaven that we get to keep forever. “For God who said, Let light shine out of darkness, made His light shine in our hearts to give us the light of the knowledge of the glory of God in the face of Christ. But we have this “treasure” in jars of clay to show that this all surpassing power is from God and not from us.” 2Cor 4:5-7.

Treasures in jars of clay – not only do we carry the treasure of God within us though, we actually are the treasure of God. Deut 7:6 We are a part of the treasure of heaven.

Do we really understand what Christmas is all about? It’s more than a gift. It is a treasure.
What a gift exchange we make. We get to be new creations; receive daily bread; get seed for sowing and increase, full barns, abundant life, streets of gold, joy unspeakable and full of glory.
No wonder the angels sang the praise of God.

To our modern generation their message could have been “Hey dead men, wake up! You just hit the jackpot! God just gave you everything, if you’ll just receive it!

Have a Happy, Healthy, Blessed, & Prosperous New Year!

Love & Prayers,
Norm & Judy

Congregational Prayer Watch – Wk#6, Dec.16, 2007

Dear Congregational Prayer Watch Intercessors,

Merry Christmas! Thank you for keeping a faithful watch over our Pastors and the Flock at the Lord’s Glory Church. This is no slight thing that we are a part of.
There are many prayer wheels turning around the world that will prepare congregations for the next move of God in this hour. Whether it’s an end time revival or the rapture we are preparing ourselves to be a part of a holy work and to keep a divine appointment with God! We cannot adequately tell you how very important you are to all that is about to happen because we see through a glass dimly.
We are sensing in the Spirit that something great is heading our way. What a blessing to know your prayers are making a difference in the lives of so many.
We thank you from the bottom of our hearts and pray God’s greatest blessings be upon you in this season of miracles and joy.

As always yours in the Love of our Lord Jesus Christ,
Norm and Judy

Use your prayer list assignments for week 6 and be Blessed as you Bless others!
Don’t forget to keep checking our blog on the church website for your weekly watch. If you are unable to do this please let us know and we will get you a printed copy.

Congregational Prayer Watch: Week 13 – October 27,2007

Congregational Prayer Watch
Week 13 – October 27,2007

“Savor God’s Words to you. Ponder what you have read and apply it to your present circumstances. Let it go down into the core of your being.” Bruce Wilkerson

Beloved Friends,

Remember a few years ago when 9-11 occurred, most everyone was shocked and complained that there had been no warning before such a disaster struck. Later it was discovered there were some warnings but they went unheeded and when more preparation could have been done, no precaution was taken. Why was there no readiness and no active response to what could happen? People did not want to believe it. They didn’t think that something that had never happened here before could ever happen here. They dismissed warnings and went on with life as usual only to pick up the pieces, mourn the losses and regret their own presumptions later on.

Our Bibles say that Jesus will come as a thief in the night referring to how He will come not when. He may show up any time of the day or night. The question is do we believe this and are we preparing ourselves to meet Him at any moment? On Friday night, the Holy Spirit had the prayer focus be on meditating on God’s Word and hiding it in our hearts, observing God’s commands, heeding His warnings, putting His Word in action all for our own good, so things will go well with us. There are no guessing games with God. He does everything decently and in order. Only He knows the day and the hour of Jesus’ return or our own personal deaths when we could meet Him in the twinkling of an eye.

Right now, by His Spirit, the Word is going out to the Body of Christ to examine their hearts. Look into what we think is a hiding place and see what we put in there. Who is on the throne in there? What are we meditating on? What do we have stored up? What/who are we worshipping in our hearts?

You see judgment is coming and it will begin with the FAMILY – the CHURCH. Every hidden thing will be revealed. It will be as in the days of Acts. Remember Ananias and Saphira? No one will be able to lie to the Holy Spirit.

The Congregational Prayer Watch is like a spiritual defense system. Through it God is showing us how to pray so we will be ready to meet Him and escape judgment. This week let’s focus on the Heart condition of our church family, asking God’s help to clean out everything that is displeasing to Him and then helping us to re-establish His Word just where He wants it “deep within our hearts.”

Ponder this word God gave Ezekiel in Chapter 14:1-8 – The Message translation:
“Some of the leaders of Israel approached me and sat down with me. God’s message came to me: Son of Man, these people have installed idols in their hearts. They have embraced the wickedness that will ruin them. Why should I even bother with their prayers? Therefore tell them, the Message of God, the Master: All in Israel who install idols in their hearts and embrace the wickedness that will ruin them and still have the gall to come to the prophet, be on notice; I, God, will step in and personally answer them as they come dragging along their mob of idols. I am READY to go to work on the HEARTS of the HOUSE of Israel, all of whom have left me for their idols.
Therefore, say to the house of Israel; God, the Master, says, Repent! Turn your backs on your no-god idols. Turn your backs on all your outrageous obscenities. To every last person from the house of Israel, including any of the resident aliens who live in Israel – all who turn their backs on Me and embrace idols who install the wickedness that will ruin them at the center of their lives and then have the gall to go to the prophet to ask me questions—I, God, will step in and give the answer myself. I’ll oppose those people to their faces, make an example of them – a warning lesson – and get rid of them so you will realize that I AM God.”

Love & Prayers,
Norm & Judy
Freedom Call