May the words of my mouth and the meditation of my heart be pleasing in your sight O Lord.

Freedom Call
Friday October 26, 2007

May the words of my mouth and the meditation of my heart be pleasing in your sight O Lord. Ps19:14

Meditate: To engage in thought or contemplation; to reflect;
Spiritual introspection; to consider as something to be done; to purpose.
Ponder: To consider something deeply and thoroughly; to weigh carefully;
To consider thoughtfully.
Study: Devote oneself to; get a grasp of something; research; examine; investigate carefully; observe attentively; endeavor to learn or memorize.
Think: to consider something a positive action or thought or choice
Meditation: Continued extended thought
Reflection: Careful consideration; reproduction; a fixing of thoughts on something.
Deliberate : consider the reasons for and against a measure; to think about or discuss issues and decisions carefully to make wise moral conclusions
Contemplate: to view or consider with continued attention; meditate on
To see again -or for the first time clearly; to see more; to take in and think about; to stay awhile on a subject; to focus in on. To allow your mind to be moved upon, influenced or formed by whatever you are putting into it.

Gods Word was never meant to be light reading. It is the most meaningful and most powerful book ever written. It contains the revelations of life and death. God wants us to take His word to heart. He wants us it to get into us, to help us, to form us, to change us and to empower us. He wants us to hide it in our hearts so there will be no room for sin in us. Our thoughts and attitudes can change but the matters of our heart direct our lives. Life and death begin in our hearts. Thats where we sift and sort things according to Gods Word. The heart is where we purpose a thing. Thats why God asks us to put His word there. With His word in our hearts we will make holy plans and hold to what is right, pure, noble and praiseworthy. When we speak, we should speak from our hearts not our heads, and then the words of our mouth will be powerful and effective.
Tonight, we pray that our church will become devoted to the Word of God, that we will meditate upon it day and night and that we will be transformed by it. We pray that all will heed Gods Word and return to moral, righteous, virtuous living. We are not just to see words on the pages of our Bibles; we are to become the Living Epistles for all men to read.
You yourselves are our letter, written on our hearts, known and read by everybody. You know that you are a letter from Christ, the result of our ministry written not with ink but with the Spirit of the living God not on tablets of stone but on tablets of human hearts. 2Cor 3:2
Paul was preaching the Word and it was being meditated upon. It was getting down into their hearts. They were thinking about what he said. We pray we will be attentive to the Word of God that the Holy Spirit brings us through our Pastor. Lets begin to take this word of life from the pulpit seriously not for granted, casually or haphazardly, but diligently. Let us be attentive to it and meditate upon it. Everywhere we go let us be Gods Word in action His Love Power, His Heartbeat, and a Hotline to God that can get others connected to Christ by the presence of the Word and the Spirit dwelling in us. When we walk into a place there is a spiritual declaration flashing from us like an email symbol saying-Hey people, you got mail! Selah.
Blessed is the one who reads the words of this prophecy and blessed are those who hear it and take to heart what is written in it, because the time is near. Rev1:3 (near meaning imminent, it will come to pass in Gods time because He has ordained it.)
Meditate – Biblical examples : Joshua 1:8; Psalm 1:1-3; Ps 48:9; Ps. 77:12; Ps. 119:9-36, 41-50, 78-80, 89-96, 97-106, 145-148; Ps 104:33-34; Ps 143:5, Ps 145 all, 1Peter 1:23, Heb 4:12.

Intercessor Encouragement: Week 6- Congregational Prayer Watch

Dear Brothers and Sisters, Sept. 9, 2007

I read this verse today, " God is greater than our hearts and He knows everything. 1Jn 3:20. Our God is the master builder. He does know everything. He prepares us for the future. Only He knows what's coming up the great and the wonderful things He has prepared for us all.
Last week we visited our brother and sister-in-law's new house. It is beautiful. Every stone was in place, fresh paint throughout, flowers standing tall outlining the property. We got to walk in, sit and enjoy what many laborers had faithfully constructed. None of those people were visible to us. Yet, they had together accomplished a great and beautiful work.

You, dear intercessors, are like those laborers. Daily, you work out, through prayer, the plans of our Creator. As the Holy Spirit moves on your hearts in prayer, hearts are being touched, lives are being changed and people are being conformed into the image of Christ. We are together doing a spiritual work of love that will result in something great and beautiful. While we remain invisible to others, God is watching and hearing our prayers and His work is being accomplished, His good and perfect work. Hallelujah!

Keep up this good work you have begun. Let nothing distract nor deter you from such a miraculous construction contract. Stay busy for the Lord. We think He's up to something Big! How about you?

" Jesus is the door. He is the one who opens and no one will shut and shuts and no one opens. (Rev 3:7) Jesus is the means to access to the things of God. He is our entrance, our gate. Yet, if we do not choose to go through Him, He becomes a barrier in our way. Jesus says that even when you come to doors to your dreams which seem slammed shut, do not despair. He does not cut anything off from you without doing so to enable something much fuller and richer to be produced in and through you. 'You know my voice. I will faithfully lead you into the places best designed for your growth and development'
(Sarah Hornsby Devotional)

" I am the door; if anyone enters through me, he shall be saved and shall go in and out and find pasture. Jn 10:9

" O Lord, Let your work appear to your servants, and your glory to their children. Let the beauty of the Lord our God be upon us and establish the work of our hands for us; Yes, Lord, establish the work of our hands. Ps 90:16-17 NKJV

Love & Prayers,

Norm & Judy Ditrich
Freedom Call
The Lord's Glory Church

Maintaining Our Identity to Succeed

Freedom Call
Friday October 5, 2007
Maintaining Our Identity to Succeed

What a ruckus there would be if the seasons lost their identity! There could be snow in summer and leaves falling in spring. What confusion would result if suddenly stop lights went green- white- red with green for stop, no yellow for caution and red meaning go.
What if light switches were reversed or the cream in a cream pie was made from shaving cream? Yuk! Some of these situations are funny but some are dangerous and even life threatening. Most are confusing leaving us bewildered, upset, disappointed or even angry.
Maybe thats how Jesus felt when he saw that fig tree. He was angry enough to curse it because it looked like it was bearing fruit but it wasnt what it appeared. Identity is important to God. He knit us together in the womb and before we were birthed into this world He had seeded a plan and a purpose into our lives. He constantly told the Israelites not to do the things that the heathens did. Why? Because they were unwise, unhealthy, or ungodly things that perverted Gods intentions for mankind. They forgot Him and had no regard for Him. They worshipped anything and everything that they wanted to besides our loving Father and He told His kids dont do that. Dont be like them. He gave commands and reminders through out His Word to remind us who we are and how we are to live to maintain that identity and fulfill His purposes.

Modern Christianity is fast becoming more of a white washed tomb than the spotless bride of Christ. There is no difference in some churches between them and casinos, or between them and coffee houses or other businesses. Christian has become an adjective instead of a lifestyle and I sense a holy indignation in the air. God is getting angry because we are deliberately ignoring our walk with Him and substituting worthless hollow and empty activities.

Christians should be holy miracle workers spending more time in the presence of the Lord than in anything the world has to offer. Each church should be fulfilling their God appointed tasks for this hour instead of offering the people worldly comforts.

Ps. 4:2 How long, O men, will you turn my glory into shame? How long will you love delusions and seek false gods? Know that the Lord has set apart the godly for himself; the Lord will hear when I call to him.

We must return wholeheartedly to the Lord. We must be content to be Christians -sons and daughters of the one true living God. God must be everything to us. We must simplify clean out the worthless and hold fast to His truth and His ways. If we should imitate anything then let us be imitators of God even as He asks us to be.

God delights in us. When was the last time we took the time to delight in Him?
Just for a moment lets remember the wonders of being old fashioned. Nothing has changed with God. He still wants us to enjoy life, enjoy Him, enjoy each others company and O yes, share that old fashioned God love with others who must know before it is too late that Our God reigns!

Love & Prayers,
Norm & Judy

Invitation to Celebrate : “The Real Lord of the Dance”

Freedom Call
Friday June 22, 2007

The Real Lord of the Dance

On December 15, 1989, I had heart surgery. God Himself was the great Physician. He took a most precious piece of my heart and stored it in heaven as a treasure for me. Her name was Dawn Marie. She was our first child. She shared our life for 19 years. Her last words were, " I love you, Jesus. She lifted thin frail arms with only enough strength left to reach for His hands and she was gone.
Sad, lonely, sorrowful days followed. Until one day as I sat weeping, Jesus came into the room. He reached out His hand to me this time and said, " Come, dance with Me. I obeyed and as I did I entered His realm, a place of worship that restored my soul. In His presence is truth and peace and beauty. He had given me a taste of the heaven that our Dawn now knew, and it was good. Won't you come join us on Friday and dance before the Lord for an hour? We promise you won't leave the way you came in.
Jesus truly is our everything, if we will only let Him be. The choice is ours to make. When he is able to rule, death and sorrow lose their power and life and joy come in and reign over us. Jesus is to be worshipped and adored. He alone is worthy of all our praise. Jesus loves you and He is waiting to dance with you. This is not choreographed. There are no steps to learn. Just move out in the spirit as fast or slow as you want. For some it may only be to lift and wave their arms for others it can be running or leaping. However, the Holy Spirit leads you just follow. You will be glad that you did.
Let's give Him our first dance with the dawn and purpose to save our last dance for Him. He alone can turn our mourning into dancing again and lift our every sorrow. It is Jesus Who is the Real Lord of the Dance. We invite you to come.

One Night — Friday June 22, 2007
One Hour — 7p.m. 8p.m.
One Song — " I Long for Thee

A worship opportunity from Freedom Call Ministry
Intercessors Alive
The Lord's Glory Church

Scripture Meditation: " You turned my wailing into dancing Ps 30:11
" Let them praise His name with dancing Ps149:3
" My heart leaps for joy Ps 28:7
" Blessed are you when men hate you, when they exclude you and insult you and reject your name as evil because of the Son of Man. Rejoice in that day and leap for joy because great is your reward in heaven. Lk 6:22-23
" for you who revere my name, the Sun of righteousness will rise with healing in its wings and you will go out and leap like calves released from the stall. Mal 4:2

" A prayer of Habakkuk the prophet set to wild, enthusiastic and triumphal music. O Lord, I have heard the report of you, and was afraid. O Lord, revive your work in the midst of the years, make yourself known! God your glory covered the heavens and the earth was full of your praise. Your brightness was like the sunlight; rays streamed from your hand and there in the sun-like splendor was the hiding place of your power. You stood and measured the earth; you looked and shook the nations and the eternal mountains were scattered, the perpetual hills bowed low, your ways are everlasting and your goings are of old. O Lord, revive your work in the midst of the years, make yourself known! Habakkuk 2:1-6
Let the earth be Refilled Continuously and Forever with Your Praise! J.D.