Harvest Prayer – 40 Days of Prayer & Fast: Oct. 1- Nov. 9, 2006

    Jesus was serious when He told His disciples to fast and pray.  We are just as serious with this call to our church to enter a time of fasting and prayer.

These are just a few of the reasons:    1. prayer changes things

                                                         2. prayer produces power

                                                         3. our time is short

                                                         4. terror abounds

                                                         5. the Rapture is imminent

                                                         6. these are the days of the harvest

                                                         7. our Pastors are going on a missionary journey


We need spiritual strength and spiritual growth to be the church God needs us to be in this day and hour.  Every victory begins with prayer. We need to seek the Lord while He may be found and not miss the day of His visitation.

Use the attached calendar and mark the days that you will fast and pray. You'll be glad you did.

Our Pastors will be gone to India from Oct. 15 €“ Nov. 3. Please take one of these days to pray for them €“ safety, good health, open doors of ministry, miracles and victories to abound. They'll be glad you did.  Write them a note or the prayer you prayed for them that day and give it to them when they return. What a gift and blessing that would be for them.  Also, remember Pastor Brandon and Sarah who are left in charge with the care of this flock. Lift them all up diligently and faithfully – Stay sober and alert. Pray for one another and for those who labor among us. Listen for the sound of a trumpet. (Selah)


May the Holy Spirit of God come upon each and every one of us during this time. May He produce in us the work that God requires of each of us. May He empower us with His loving presence to do the good works that God has ordained for us to do since before we were born!  Together may we grow up jointly and fittingly into Christ Jesus, our Head and our victorious Lord and Savior.  To God be the glory for all that will be donethrough these days of prayer and fasting and even beyond.

In Jesus name we pray.



Norm and Judy

Freedom Call Ministry  

Freedom Call Ministry: Purpose

Freedom Call ministry is an intercessory prayer ministry that combines Going to God in praise and worship with GROWING in God through prayer and the Word.

First, we acknowledge a personal freedom call. We believe every Christian has been set free by Jesus Christ to worship Almighty God and to live for Him.  To do this responsibly, we must exercise and use the things God gives us and we must obey what He asks of us.

In these hectic times God, prayer and the study of the Word are often slighted or overlooked completely. To help us in our spiritual accountability, we have established an one and a half hour time period in which serious believers can gather to focus on our God and on our relationship with Him.

Often during our regular services individuals receive a prayer language. Our prayer meetings offer an added opportunity for them to pray and sing in the Spirit. These are wonderful times of encouragement and empowerment as we are energized and enlightened by the Holy Spirit. Prophecies and confirmations come forth as we pray together. We are built up in our most holy faith and strengthened in our inner man.  God's kingdom, His values and principles grow within us while the desire for the things of the world fades away.  We are refreshed, renewed, restored and equipped not only to stand firm but also, to advance the kingdom of God.

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