Congregational Prayer Watch – Wk#6, Dec.16, 2007

Dear Congregational Prayer Watch Intercessors,

Merry Christmas! Thank you for keeping a faithful watch over our Pastors and the Flock at the Lord’s Glory Church. This is no slight thing that we are a part of.
There are many prayer wheels turning around the world that will prepare congregations for the next move of God in this hour. Whether it’s an end time revival or the rapture we are preparing ourselves to be a part of a holy work and to keep a divine appointment with God! We cannot adequately tell you how very important you are to all that is about to happen because we see through a glass dimly.
We are sensing in the Spirit that something great is heading our way. What a blessing to know your prayers are making a difference in the lives of so many.
We thank you from the bottom of our hearts and pray God’s greatest blessings be upon you in this season of miracles and joy.

As always yours in the Love of our Lord Jesus Christ,
Norm and Judy

Use your prayer list assignments for week 6 and be Blessed as you Bless others!
Don’t forget to keep checking our blog on the church website for your weekly watch. If you are unable to do this please let us know and we will get you a printed copy.