Intercessor Encouragement: Week 6- Congregational Prayer Watch

Dear Brothers and Sisters, Sept. 9, 2007

I read this verse today, " God is greater than our hearts and He knows everything.€ 1Jn 3:20. Our God is the master builder. He does know everything. He prepares us for the future. Only He knows what's coming up €“ the great and the wonderful things He has prepared for us all.
Last week we visited our brother and sister-in-law's new house. It is beautiful. Every stone was in place, fresh paint throughout, flowers standing tall outlining the property. We got to walk in, sit and enjoy what many laborers had faithfully constructed. None of those people were visible to us. Yet, they had together accomplished a great and beautiful work.

You, dear intercessors, are like those laborers. Daily, you work out, through prayer, the plans of our Creator. As the Holy Spirit moves on your hearts in prayer, hearts are being touched, lives are being changed and people are being conformed into the image of Christ. We are together doing a spiritual work of love that will result in something great and beautiful. While we remain invisible to others, God is watching and hearing our prayers and His work is being accomplished, His good and perfect work. Hallelujah!

Keep up this good work you have begun. Let nothing distract nor deter you from such a miraculous construction contract. Stay busy for the Lord. We think He's up to something Big! How about you?

" Jesus is the door. He is the one who opens and no one will shut and shuts and no one opens. (Rev 3:7) Jesus is the means to access to the things of God. He is our entrance, our gate. Yet, if we do not choose to go through Him, He becomes a barrier in our way. Jesus says that even when you come to doors to your dreams which seem slammed shut, do not despair. He does not cut anything off from you without doing so to enable something much fuller and richer to be produced in and through you. 'You know my voice. I will faithfully lead you into the places best designed for your growth and development'€¦€
(Sarah Hornsby Devotional)

" I am the door; if anyone enters through me, he shall be saved and shall go in and out and find pasture.€ Jn 10:9

" O Lord, Let your work appear to your servants, and your glory to their children. Let the beauty of the Lord our God be upon us and establish the work of our hands for us; Yes, Lord, establish the work of our hands.€ Ps 90:16-17 NKJV

Love & Prayers,

Norm & Judy Ditrich
Freedom Call
The Lord's Glory Church