Maintaining Our Identity to Succeed

Freedom Call
Friday October 5, 2007
Maintaining Our Identity to Succeed

What a ruckus there would be if the seasons lost their identity! There could be snow in summer and leaves falling in spring. What confusion would result if suddenly stop lights went green- white- red with green for stop, no yellow for caution and red meaning go.
What if light switches were reversed or the cream in a cream pie was made from shaving cream? Yuk! Some of these situations are funny but some are dangerous and even life threatening. Most are confusing leaving us bewildered, upset, disappointed or even angry.
Maybe that’s how Jesus felt when he saw that fig tree. He was angry enough to curse it because it looked like it was bearing fruit but it wasn’t what it appeared. Identity is important to God. He knit us together in the womb and before we were birthed into this world He had seeded a plan and a purpose into our lives. He constantly told the Israelites not to do the things that the heathens did. Why? Because they were unwise, unhealthy, or ungodly things that perverted God’s intentions for mankind. They forgot Him and had no regard for Him. They worshipped anything and everything that they wanted to besides our loving Father and He told His kids don’t do that. Don’t be like them. He gave commands and reminders through out His Word to remind us who we are and how we are to live to maintain that identity and fulfill His purposes.

Modern Christianity is fast becoming more of a white washed tomb than the spotless bride of Christ. There is no difference in some churches between them and casinos, or between them and coffee houses or other businesses. Christian has become an adjective instead of a lifestyle and I sense a holy indignation in the air. God is getting angry because we are deliberately ignoring our walk with Him and substituting worthless hollow and empty activities.

Christians should be holy miracle workers spending more time in the presence of the Lord than in anything the world has to offer. Each church should be fulfilling their ‘God appointed tasks for this hour instead of offering the people worldly comforts.

Ps. 4:2 “How long, O men, will you turn my glory into shame? How long will you love delusions and seek false gods? Know that the Lord has set apart the godly for himself; the Lord will hear when I call to him.”

We must return wholeheartedly to the Lord. We must be content to be Christians -sons and daughters of the one true living God. God must be everything to us. We must simplify – clean out the worthless and hold fast to His truth and His ways. If we should imitate anything then let us be imitators of God even as He asks us to be.

God delights in us. When was the last time we took the time to delight in Him?
Just for a moment let’s remember the wonders of being old fashioned. Nothing has changed with God. He still wants us to enjoy life, enjoy Him, enjoy each others company and O yes, share that old fashioned God love with others who must know before it is too late that Our God reigns!

Love & Prayers,
Norm & Judy