Seek God for the City – 2008

We’re excited about being able to offer CHURCH WIDE participation in the call to a forty day period of Prayer and Fasting starting Feb 6th through Palm Sunday. This time will be used as a means to allow God to touch us so we can be changed vessels of His Kingdom and for His will to go forth not only in our lives and community but then to spread throughout our society which is in such desperate need of Him.
The booklets for “Seek God for the City-2008” are available in the back of Church for those who want to become a part of what God is doing in these end times – come join us as we Pray for His Kingdom to Come – His Will to be done on Earth as it is in Heaven – You’ll be so glad you did!!
We have attached a focus that was started during the Freedom CAll Intercessory Prayer night, Friday, 2/01/08 which shows us how Prayer STRENGTHENS us and opens us up to God’s abilities to accomplish His purposes. We pray that as you read it you will be encouraged and it will give you a ‘head start’ on the 40 days we are about to enter this week.
Love in Christ,
Norm & Judy

Freedom Call
Friday – Feb.1, 2008
Lord, Strengthen Us to Pray
“Blessed are they whose strength is in you, O Lord.” Psalm 84:5

There are those times when we find ourselves out of place, suppressed or just plain too tired to pray. Especially when we are on assignment to pray or do a work for the Lord a heaviness can set in to stop what we know we should be doing. Jonah prayed from inside a whale, Daniel in a lion’s den and they overcame tremendous obstacles. God wants us to overcome, to press in and to succeed. With our God we can do all things that we ever hoped or imagined. Yet, we are not ignorant. We know we need His help and tonight we are asking for it — Lord, strengthen us to pray.
To strengthen means – to change to an articulation requiring more effort
to reinforce
to fortify
to give power to
to give power to someone by reason of your
influence and authority
to give someone resisting force to strain or wear
to offer someone power, encouragement or
“The Bible was her strength and joy.”
to give power to rise or to remain firm
to give the capacity to manifest energy, to
endure and to resist
to endow with might which is power and strength
in a great or overwhelming degree.
Before strength can be put in obstacles and hindrances must be taken out of us. Do you have anything in your life that God needs to remove? Disappointments, bitterness, anger, grudge, judgments, bias, unforgiveness, any sin, callousness, insensitiveness, complaining, gossiping, weariness with life and circumstances…….
We need to pray because: our prayers express our faith in God. (however weak or small it may be) our prayers make a difference in us (changed, transformed)
our prayers are weapons of spiritual warfare
our prayers reflect our relationship with God which is often disrupted or
strained by our own ignorance, inattention and insensitivity
our prayers are an expression of confidence in God.
Without prayer we can lose our closeness with and confidence in God and replace it with disappointment, isolation and feelings of uselessness.
Prayers are Power Points. They are fresh oil to heal and strengthen and a glass like anointing to protect. Prayer turns limping men into soaring eagles. It refreshes, renews, and strengthens. It helps us focus. It directs as a guiding light. It bathes and cleanses the soul. Praying God’s Word is like firing a machine gun against the enemy of our soul. It gives us victory where he wanted to cause our defeat.
Some things that will give us strength in praying: Know God, Call on His name, know who you are in Him, hide His Word in your heart, gather with others who pray, pray in the Spirit, be open to His Spirit, love God, serve Him, establish specific times and places for personal prayer and devotion …….Here are some Scriptures for strengthening—
Ex 15:2; 2 Sam 22:33; 1 Ch 16:11; 1 Ch 29:12; Ps 18:1, 29:11, 59:17, 84:5, 118:14, 28:7, 46:1, 73:26, 105:4, 119:28; Is 35, 40, 41; Hab 3:19; 1Co 1:25; Acts 4:31